Have questions? Call +3670 55 77 451 or write to hello@masterworks.hu 🇭🇺
To: Masterworks Hungary Kft (address: 1136 Budapest, Pannónia utca 30. Ü3. door , e-mail: hello@masterworks.hu)
I, the undersigned, declare that I exercise my right of withdrawal/termination with respect to the contract for the sale of the following Goods(es) or the provision of the following service:
................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ............................................
................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ............................................
Date of conclusion of the contract / date of acceptance: ............................................. ................................................... ........................
Name of the consumer: .............................................. ................................................... ................................................... .................
Address of the consumer: .............................................. ................................................... ................................................... .................
Please return the purchase price to the following bank account number (fill it in if you want us to pay the purchase price back by bank transfer):
................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ............................................
Signature of the consumer: (only in the case of a statement made on paper)
* made by A 45/2014. (II.26.) government decree no. 2 on the basis of the declaration model according to its annex
+36 70 55 77 451
[Újjáépítés alatt]
Radnóti Miklós u. 23
1137 Budapest
Samer & Co Shipping Ltd
Lőrinci Road 154
"E" building
2220 Vecsés