The new Masterworks logo: a symbol of a common vision

Masterworks Hungary new logo

We are happy to share with you something special to us - our brand new logo! It has a simple design, yet represents our shared commitment to sustainability and excellence. The "M" in the logo is shaped like a mountain peak with a triangle pointing upwards. It symbolizes our aspirations and the pinnacle of success and sustainability that we strive for together in each project.

The new color palette, inspired by nature, has been chosen with your preferences in mind: earthy greens reflect growth and sustainability, crisp whites represent purity and high standards, and hints of gold represent the quality you can always count on.

With this design, we confirm our commitment to a sustainable lifestyle. This is for all architects, designers, builders and do-it-yourselfers who share our vision. The new logo is more than a symbol; our promise is to support their endeavors, expand their spaces, while taking care of our planet.

2024: The year of new experiences with Masterworks

In addition to introducing the new logo, we are bringing you a unique blend of digital and physical experiences. Budapest XIII. Our showroom will open soon in Miklós Street, Radnóti district.

This 160 m2 space is located in the basement of a historic, centuries-old building with a wartime bunker, which is an ideal place to demonstrate the transformative power of sustainable construction. It reflects Budapest's unique architectural heritage and challenges, by prioritizing new humidity and moisture insulation standards, primarily with Kerakoll products.

The showroom is more than a showroom. It is designed to provide an immersive experience where you can explore a wide range of products and participate in hands-on training. The space will also house a “design lab” that combines creativity with practicality and offers comprehensive construction solutions, not just materials.

While the innovative showroom on Radnóti Miklós Street in Budapest will be tangible proof of sustainable construction, we are strengthening our online presence with the same enthusiasm. This dual approach ensures that whether you want to discover products online or experience them in person, Masterworks meets you where you are.

Kerakoll Color Collection

Looking ahead to 2024, we are excited to expand our portfolio with the latest European sustainable brands. These will be announced soon. In addition, the upcoming Kerakoll Color Collection with 150 new colors will inspire your projects and redefine modern spaces.

Join us in 2024 as we journey together towards a more sustainable and beautiful built world.

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We have the right solution for every construction-related problem.
Alapfelületek előkészítése
Preparation of base surfaces
Dekorálás: festékek, bevonatok és lakkok
Decoration: paints, coatings and varnishes
Falazat kiszárítása hővel
Drying masonry with heat
Thermal insulation
Javítás és szerkezeti megerősítés ‑ földrengésbiztos
Repair and structural reinforcement - earthquake proof
Kerámia és terméskő burkolás
Ceramic and natural stone tiling
Parketta, rugalmas padlók és ipari műgyantaburkolatok lerakása
Laying parquet, flexible floors and industrial synthetic resin coverings
Természetes rendszerek
Natural systems
Építés és felületkialakítás
Construction and surface design

Kerakoll Design

Kerakoll Design is an integrated project that incorporates innovative materials - synthetic resin, cement, hand-crafted wood, micro-coatings, paints and glazes - coordinated in a single color palette.