Masterworks Hungary raktárhelyiség Vecsésen

New warehouse in Vecsés

After a long search, we finally found a great warehouse in the immediate vicinity of Budapest. The most important aspect was that we could place incoming orders as soon as possible and deliver them within 2 days.

From now on, we will take your orders, pack them and make them ready for delivery within 24 hours. It is possible to pick up the goods free of charge from the warehouse or to deliver them to the place of your choice.

Please be sure to contact us by phone at +3670 557 7451 or by e-mail at before picking up the goods in order to ensure that the goods are ready for pick-up.

You can find our warehouse at the following address:

Samer & Co. Shipping
Lőrinci út 154
Building "E".
2220 Vecsés

More news

Kerakoll Fugalite és Fugalite Bio kivonva: Bemutatkozik az új Fugalite Color Fill
Kerakoll Fugalite and Fugalite Bio removed: Introducing the new Fugalite Color Fill
Kerakoll Hőszigetelő és Szárító Vakolatok: Megoldások Vályogfalak Esetén
Kerakoll Thermal Insulation and Drying Plasters: Solutions for Adobe Walls
Kerakoll Color Fill Termékcsalád - Bemutatás
Kerakoll Color Fill Product Family - Presentation
We have the right solution for every construction-related problem.
Alapfelületek előkészítése
Preparation of base surfaces
Dekorálás: festékek, bevonatok és lakkok
Decoration: paints, coatings and varnishes
Falazat kiszárítása hővel
Drying masonry with heat
Thermal insulation
Javítás és szerkezeti megerősítés ‑ földrengésbiztos
Repair and structural reinforcement - earthquake proof
Kerámia és terméskő burkolás
Ceramic and natural stone tiling
Parketta, rugalmas padlók és ipari műgyantaburkolatok lerakása
Laying parquet, flexible floors and industrial synthetic resin coverings
Természetes rendszerek
Natural systems
Építés és felületkialakítás
Construction and surface design

Kerakoll Design

Kerakoll Design is an integrated project that incorporates innovative materials - synthetic resin, cement, hand-crafted wood, micro-coatings, paints and glazes - coordinated in a single color palette.