The new, colorful face of Kerakoll's showroom in Milan

Remodeling the Via Solferino showroom, Martino Gamper explores the concept of layering as a means of renewal.

The meeting of architecture and color between the past, present and emerging future is reflected in the work of Martino Gamper, who renovated the Kerakoll exhibition hall in Milan. Using colors and surfaces from the Color Collection and Fugabella Color, it presents a combination of 150 colors and 15 surfaces for recolouring floors, walls, furniture, doors, interior and exterior fittings and radiators, as well as 50 colors for grouting ceramic, mosaic and natural stone. The Kerakoll Brera Studio at Via Solferino 16 in Milan is not just a sight to see, but a place to interact with the Kerakoll team, exchange ideas and discuss projects.

The result of Gamper's work is a multi-colored universe where the textures and coverings of the walls, floors and furniture are united by alternating intense shades and pastel colors. The project adds new aesthetic and conceptual layers to the Kerakoll exhibition hall. After Martino Gamper's 2022 Plinthos installation was a great success at Milan Design Week, Kerakoll asked the designer to transform the Brera exhibition hall for the 2023 event. The result is Strato, an installation that presents the theme of the constant change of space, where shapes and colors intertwine, in addition to presenting the concept of layering, which is in line with the renewal philosophy of the Emilia brand.

Kerakoll Brera Studio

Remodeling of the Kerakoll showroom in Milan

The new Brera Studio project from Kerakoll presents a masterful mixing of pastel colors and intense shades, where textures and surfaces are connected in space. The showroom entrance offers a friendly, dynamic space that allows visitors to interact. The bright colors and organic shapes of the new furniture and chairs add dynamism to the space, while the irregular shapes on the walls present new color combinations that create abstract patterns, showcasing the application of Kerakoll's color range on different surfaces.

The new, colorful face of Kerakoll's showroom in Milan

Lounge area

The lounge with new colors and furnishings is an ideal place to discuss projects, supported by the Color Chart, a wall displaying the Color Collection's range of colors. The updated design of the meeting room reflects the designs of Martino Gamper.

Lounge area

The showroom's vibrant new look is complemented by unique furniture designed by Martino Gamper for Kerakoll. The colorful backgrounds, which represent combinations of colored joints and ceramic tiles of different sizes, illustrate the design possibilities.

Meeting room

In the bathroom, the combination of green, yellow and gray colors and the tropical-style bathtub add warmth to the room. The new bathroom is friendlier and more visually appealing than ever.


The showroom is always changing, like a natural organism, ready to adapt to different circumstances and situations. Gamper's transformation shows the new look of the spaces, which is contemporary, essential and emphasizes the emotional and interactive experience thanks to the colors and surfaces of Kerakoll, Color Collection and Fugabella Color.

Showroom in Hungary

This impressive transformation is not only an inspiration for visitors to Italy. Masterworks Hungary Kft., which also distributes the materials of the Hungarian Kerakoll Design House, is currently renovating its own showroom. This design process is a sensual journey where you create a harmonious interplay of colors, textures and shapes. Similar to Kerakoll's showroom, Masterworks uses carefully considered design decisions to create a space that will provide an inspiring environment for all visitors. The renovation is an opportunity to showcase Kerakoll Design House's impressive materials and soon-to-be-available new colors. All this in a place where people can meet, exchange ideas and have real experiences in the world of design.

KDH and Color Collection materials at Masterworks

Kerakoll Design House materials are currently available at Masterworks, which specializes in the distribution of the highest quality interior design and design materials. Their extensive services include unique interior design solutions and a wide selection of design materials, allowing customers to choose from Kerakoll's range of materials, colors and textures to transform their home into a personalized, harmonious and inspiring space.

Masterworks sells 10 warm colors from the Kerakoll Design House's Warm Collection currently available in Hungary. However, this color palette is constantly expanding, and soon the entire color range of the Kerakoll Color Collection will be available in Hungary. The introduction of the new colors represents another milestone in the collaboration between Masterworks and Kerakoll, which aims to enable end users to create interiors that are not only aesthetically impressive, but also perfectly suit their personal needs and style. The showroom guides the visitor to a world where colors, materials and shapes dance in space and provide a real, sensual experience.

The transformation of the Brera Studio and Masterworks showroom thus shows the enormous influence that colors and surfaces have on the feeling of space and the overall effect, as well as how these changing elements can reshape spaces, creating the interactive experiences and emotions that Kerakoll form the basis of the brand's philosophy. This process is further proof that the intersection of architecture and color today and in the future can transcend traditional boundaries and open new and inspiring paths for both the industry and individuals.

Kerakoll Design Warm Collection

An integrated project that includes innovative materials coordinated with a single color palette.
Kerakoll Universal Wall Primer: Vízbázisú univerzális alapozó falakra.
Kerakoll Patina Living - Kerakoll Design Warm Collection
Kerakoll Universal Wall Primer
3.200 Ft22.000 Ft
Innovatív technológiájának köszönhetően a Kerakoll Microresina ideális a lakberendezési kiegészítők és kerámia burkolatok védelmére.
A Kerakoll Microresina: Színes, vízbázisú mikrogyanta lakkozott, matt felületkezeléssel mindenféle lakberendezési kiegészítő, kerámia padló és burkolat, valamint keményfa padló újratervezéséhez.
Kerakoll Microresina Warm Collection
24.500 Ft59.400 Ft
A Kerakoll Decor Paint finom kivitelű festék tökéletes minden olyan környezetbe, ahol exkluzív és kifinomult hangulatot szeretne teremteni.
Kerakoll Decor Paint: Vizes bázisú dekoratív gyantafesték, mosható és törölhető matt felületű, magas színintenzitással.
Kerakoll Decor Paint Warm Collection
5.800 Ft88.000 Ft
Innovatív technológiájának köszönhetően a Kerakoll Microresina ideális a lakberendezési kiegészítők és kerámia burkolatok védelmére.
A Kerakoll Microresina: Színes, vízbázisú mikrogyanta lakkozott, matt felületkezeléssel mindenféle lakberendezési kiegészítő, kerámia padló és burkolat, valamint keményfa padló újratervezéséhez.
Kerakoll Microresina Floor Warm Collection
11.400 Ft12.200 Ft
Kerakoll Decor Paint Color Collection Olive Green
Kerakoll Decor Paint Color Collection
Kerakoll Decor Paint Color Collection Olive Green
5.800 Ft86.000 Ft
A Kerakoll Microresina Xtreme egy átlátszó, vízbázisú mikrogyanta a Kerakoll Cementoresina, Cementoresina Wall, Microresina Floor és Microresina Parquet védelmére.
Kerakoll Cementoresina Wall - Kerakoll Design Warm Collection
Kerakoll Microresina Xtreme
20.200 Ft46.700 Ft
Kerakoll Microresina Color Collection
A Kerakoll Microresina: Színes, vízbázisú mikrogyanta lakkozott, matt felületkezeléssel mindenféle lakberendezési kiegészítő, kerámia padló és burkolat, valamint keményfa padló újratervezéséhez.
Kerakoll Microresin Color Collection
21.840 Ft59.400 Ft
A Kerakoll Patina és Patina Living vízbázisú műgyanta burkolatok delabrè vakolat textúrával és természetes árnyalatú felületkezeléssel.
A Kerakoll Patina egy színes textúrázó befejező bevonat Patina és Patina Living műgyanta burkolatokhoz. Olasz design az élő kényelemért.
Kerakoll Patina Living Warm Collection
12.600 Ft13.200 Ft

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